I don't think anyone at our Company got any work done for the 90 or so minutes when T&T played England. The second floor cafeteria was full of people, many wearing their T&T red shirts and I did see quite a few England supporter shirts in the crowd. There were some great plays and some exciting attempts by T&T to score a goal. To be fair that first goal was a nice goal and I found myself thinking "if Crouch wasn't 6ft 9in perhaps that pass from Beckham would not have allowed him to jump up and make contact with the ball and head the ball in to the net"
One woman at our lunch table today, clearly miffed by all the attention everyone was giving to the world cup reminded us all in a whiny tone "you know there was a great hockey game on last night did everyone forget about the Stanley Cup" I think I pissed her off even more when I said "oh ya, I forgot, who won last night anyway" This clearly shocked her and she admonished me with a "you mean you don't know" I think she wants to try and revoke my Canadian citizenship!
I used to watch hockey quite a bit and Hockey Night in Canada was always on in our house on a Saturday night. When we were small my Mum would put out potato chips and dip and we could stay up late and watch hockey with our Dad. Unfortunately, sometime during the last 10 years the game has changed into a game I just can't watch regularly, never mind the fact that they have sold out to the US and the NHL is loaded up with teams in States like North Carolina and Arizona and Florida where they don't know a blue line from a hole in the ground. Seriously, why is there a team in Tampa Bay, Florida or in Arizona for godsake... They don't know hockey, it's HOT down there, it's just not their game. All these teams mean the elimination rounds now take forever and it's June and we are still not finished with the Stanley Cup playoffs. When I was a kid the Stanley Cup was over and done with by late April!! ....
I will unfailingly support Canada during Olympic hockey. The Olympic rules seem to change the play of game back to one that I remember...fast, exciting and not a lot of fighting with goon players. Hockey is definitely Canada's game. It is part of our identity. My sisters blog today reminded me how important the game is for Canadians particularly if they are far from home. She spent the morning at the Maple Leaf Pub in Tokyo watching the hockey game with 9 other Hockey fans.
So, let's go Edmonton...keep the cup in Canada!

What time is the Trinidad vs Paraguay game on???
ha ha ha...come on! there were at least TWENTY of us in the bar...ha ha ha...AND, as you know, I am bi-cultural: I stayed up 'til 3 AM (tokyo time) to watch the T & T/England game. Loooonggg day...
too much sport on all at once. US Open started this week as well although I don't think you were ever into watching golf....I remember when they changed the cable line up and introduced the Golf Channel and Mum would have it on in the back room early on Saturday mornings...I never understood why she didn't play more here. She was crazy about the sport and was apparently really good at it.
We are all forgetting the NBA finals are on right now as well!
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