We made tentative plans to play golf today but as the weather pixie to your right shows it's DAMN HOT. Not sure if the weather pixie also shows the humidex but it was 38 degrees today with the humidex. So, instead, we went to the St. Lawrence Market to pick up some chicken and meat to BBQ this weekend as ya gotta cook outdoors in this heat rather than heat up the house with the stove. Before heading home we decided to go in to Fionn McCools Irish Pub and sit in the air conditioning, have a beer and watch the USA play Italy in the World cup. There was a loud, obnoxious American sitting at the next table who clearly is a footie newcomer as each time the ref called a foul against America he would scream "where's the blood" at the downed Italian player. I think he was confusing the game with extreme fighting or something? After him constantly repeating this each time a player was carded or fouled, JB finally yelled "Buddy, it's a soccer game not a hockey game"

McCools is one of many, many, many Irish pubs in Toronto. It is down in the Historic Market district and they have a large patio outside but it was too hot to sit outside. As the photo shows it is really trying to be an Irish pub. As their website states "Fionns was built in Ireland and brought across the Sea and reassembled here in Toronto. Drop in to experience the tradition and heritage of Ireland, a pint or 2, live East Coast Celtic music and some great Craic." The food is quite good at this pub and thank god they revamped the menu and lost the cheesy "irish" names for the food like "Yer man's Salmon pie" or "Me Ma's Meatloaf". I had a Hoegaarden instead of my usual Guinness. When this heat comes in I have to stop drinking Guinness until the fall when the cooler weather comes in. Guinness and 38 degrees outside aren't a good combination for me. We left just at the half, as JB was growing tired of listening to the "All American Boy" beside us. It is that time of year where we are a bit overwhelemed with tourists coming up from south of the border. I don't like to USA bash and the majority of the toursists that come here in the summer are fine but there always seems to be those loud, obnoxious ones that come up with all the rest of them.
Quote of the day:
"Americans are benevolently ignorant about Canada, while Canadians are malevolently well informed about the United States"
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