On the way in to the office I thought I should pick up a couple of movies before all the good rentals are sold out and my only choice would be "Big Momma's House 2" of which, god help me, they had TONS of copies. Thankfully, there were still some good movies left and I was able to rent "Narnia" and "Munich" I had every intention of watching at least one of the DVD's tonight but duty called. Ever so understanding and patient about the sometimes ridiculous demands of my job, JB was happy to just order a pizza and forgo watching one of the movies. He just popped his new NHL Xbox game in and proceeded to play hockey until I am done with my Wireless Networks Gateway switch emergency!

On the subject of Munich, I was very small when that event happened but I remember my parents watching the Olympics. I remember my Mother suddenly bursting into tears and I can remember the ABC anchorman in his gold jacket. I remember my mother crying and saying to my Dad "oh my god, who could do such a thing, how can this be happening" I have some vague recollections of the subsequent news casts and I remember it being a traumatic event for many in our neighborhood as quite a few neighbor's were Polish or Austrian Jews who had escaped or survived concentration camps during WW2. They had come to Canada to try and forget, and to make a better life for themselves and their children and this was all over the TV newscasts. It was the beginning of immediate feedback via television about an ongoing tragedy long before CNN. Very interested to see how the film portrays this horrible event.

Narnia is another film I have been dying to see as I am a huge fan of CS Lewis (should update my profile to say that) I read the Chronicles of Narnia when I was younger but may read them again as it has been so long since I first read them. I remember my sister going crazy over "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe".
I find the actress Tilda Swinton fascinating. She plays the White Witch in the movie Narnia. She is such an interesting actress and has played so many diverse roles. We recently rented the movie "Broken Flowers" and watched the entire film, of which she was listed as being in, and had to search through it again as she was unrecognizable as the character Penny. If you have not seen "Broken Flowers" it is worth a watch. She is also excellent in the movie "Constantine" as the Angel Gabriel.
I am crazy for all of those heaven and hell, good vs evil, signs of Revelations and the Apocalypse films.
My faves are :
Constantine (JB the film buff thinks this is a crap movie, he is not a fan of Keanu)
Stigmata....great performance by Gabriel Byrne
End of Days.... hate Schwarzenegger but love Gabriel Byrne
Seventh Seal...can't stand Demi Moore but love this flick....Jurgen Prochnow is great as mystery man David Bannon.
JMacK signing off............
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