I was doing my usual searching for something on the internet and then ending up somewhere else. I stumbled across someone's music website when I was actually looking for an engineering site. I was about to hit my back button when at the bottom of the gents site he had a banner stating "Siamese Kittens". Now, those who have known me or my family for quite sometime know we always had Siamese cats. They were the only type of cat my Mother liked or would allow us to have as they had shorter hair and great personalities. Those who have owned a Siamese know how able they are to communicate like no other. The Siamese voice is legendary. They speak both with their voice and with their body. They are the quintessential "people" cat, for they love to be in your lap, on your bed, at your table. The Siamese cat originated from Thailand, formerly known as Siam. These cats were held in such high esteem in their native country that no one except the King and members of the royal family were permitted to own them. They were originally known as Royal points.
Intrigued by the "Siamese Kitten" banner I decided to click on it where I was taken to a full page of photos of this gents two new kittens. I instantly fell in love with these two little characters named "Mull' and "Iona". The names made me chuckle as these two Siamese cats have the most Scottish names you could ever choose. Usually Siamese owners give their cats oriental or exotic names our first Siamese was named "Ming" after the Chinese Empero Ming (my mums choice of name). When Ming passed away our next Siamese was called "Mischa" (after the cellist Mischa Maisky, my choice). My sister's two Siamese were named after the gods Mars and Atlas.
The photos of these two cuties reminded me how much I missed having a "meezer" in the house and I immediately wanted to leave my desk and go and purchase two Siamese kittens but I was snapped back into the reality of JB's deathly allergic reaction to cats. I sent him the photo's, in a sad attempt to hook him on the cute factor and perhaps make him forget he would end up in the hospital with a severe asthma attack. It didn't work. He was definitely sold on how cute they were and then said "sorry babe,can't live with them"
I will just have to view the photos on line for my "meezer" fix.

Quote for Today:
Compton Mackenzie
"People who belong to Siamese cats must make up their minds to do a good deal of waiting upon them."
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