The photo says it all...."Peace and Quiet on the Golf Course"
I decided for my own sanity that I had to take a complete break from work so....I booked last Friday off and gave myself an extra long weekend. Our GM (General MESS) Malibu was fixed in time for Friday morning (see previous blog about Chevrolet for the ongoing saga) and is roadworthy again. My blackberry was left on my bedside table and did not go with me the entire weekend, which is VERY unusual for me.
I picked JB up at his office at noon and we played 18 holes at Dentonia a City of Toronto course which is quite challenging. We went home and BBQ'd. On Saturday I watched world cup soccer in the morning. JB and I then headed down to the St. Lawrence Market to pick up some fresh Tuna steaks to BBQ on Sunday. We then headed over to the Rogers Centre as JB had tickets for us to see the Toronto Blue Jays play against the Detroit Tigers. We had great seats, only 20 rows back from behind home plate but alas we lost. The next day this prompted my brother to quip "you should stop going to those games because every time you go they lose" which does appear to be true. If JB goes with his boss or for a work related function they seem to win.
Sunday we played golf in the morning. It was my weekly lesson with Paul, the golf pro at Royal Woodbine. JB has since joined myself, and my two girlfriends for our lessons with Paul, who is a tough but patient teacher. After a solid work out from our swing practise, JB and I picked up some beer and went home sat out on the back patio, vegged out all afternoon and BBq'd our Tuna steak for dinner.....

As mentioned the delicious fresh tuna steaks were purchased at the St.Lawrence Market. We are very lucky here in Toronto to have the St. Lawrence Market. It was rated one of the best 25 markets in the world by Food and Wine magazine. It is a Toronto landmark and has been around since the early 1800's. I along with many Torontonians grew up going down to the market. My parents would take us down on a Saturday morning and I still go to the same butcher that my parents went to going back to the 1960's. My Dad would get us all a peameal bacon sandwich, and we would all munch our sandwiches while walking around the market to the various vendors. On a Saturday morning there are still long line ups at the same vendor that sells fresh peameal on a bun. My Dad would usually pick up a bag of fresh mussels and when we got home he would steam them in a big black pot and we would eat them for lunch. We would usually eat the mussels with some nice fresh bread and fresh creamy butter just bought from the cheese vendor across from the fish monger.
The market is a tradition for many Torontonians, it is part of their Saturday routine. JB and I usually go every Saturday, we go to the butcher, olympic cheese (where you can purchase any kind of cheese you need) and the fish monger for fresh salmon and tuna steaks. We then head downstairs to our favorite veggie vendor. Every Torontonian has their own favorite vendor within the Market, that they frequent. The historic market district is loaded with pubs, restaurants and shops. In the summer all the pubs set up their patios with umbrellas so all can enjoy a beer while sitting in the sun.
The area around the market always has something going on and this past weekend was no exception. JB and I parked in our usual lot, noticed barricades on the streets and vendor stands set up along Front Street leading into the Market area. I said to JB " is it rib fest already?" JB responded "It can't be rib fest, rib fest is always on Fathers Day weekend" We got up to Front Street turned right to head to the market and we started noticing a hell of a lot of dogs! Dogs of all kinds, big dogs, little dogs, dogs in costumes, dogs in baby carriages (guess their owners didn't want their dog to get tired). Stalls were set up all along Front Street and they seemed to be selling only dog related wares. JB and I felt oddly out of place as we walked through all these dogs and dog owners to get to the entrance of the market. We seemed to be the only two people sans a dog! We looked around and eventually saw the banner announcing "WOOFSTOCK" yes, you heard me correctly "WOOFSTOCK" Apparently, the historic St. Lawrence Market District is the new home for this "dog festival" There was a "doggie day care" so that dog owners visiting the show could leave their dog in the day care area and go shopping in the Market. There were doggie competitions, doggie fashion shows. It was a bit scary to say the least.
Don't get me wrong, I love dogs like crazy but some of their owners are a bit whacko if you ask me. I have never understood the need to dress a dog up in a feather boa, a frilly frock or a bonnet. Never mind how ridiculous those oversized sunglasses look on a poor pooch. I often wonder what the hell the dog is thinking. Even worse my mind starts heading down the "There are people in this world who are starving and being slaughtered and some knob in Toronto has a chihuahua dressed up like a hells angel biker with a leather costume that probably cost the equivalent of what some poor family in Sudan would pay for a 6 month supply of food" road....
I guess Samuel Butler expressed it best:
"The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you,but he will make a fool of himself too."
- Samuel Butler

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