Well, apparently ZZTop had better luck with their Chevrolet than JB and I have with ours.
I am using today's blog as a cathartic rant on the downfall of the once powerful North American Auto Manufacturer based on the litany of repairs we have had to have done to our Chevrolet Malibu I really have to shake my head and ask "what happened????"
Thinking back I remember photos from the late 1950's of my parents with their big "Yank Tanks", usually a really reliable Chevrolet model of some type. Then on into the 1960's and 1970's Dad always bought Chev's or Fords. He had a 1962 Impala that lasted him for years with nary a problem. They were a solid North American manufacturer. Where did it all go so wrong?
Back in 2001/2 I felt my next new vehicle purchase should support the domestic North American manufacturers coupled with the fact they were offering a great deal at 0% financing, I felt confident purchasing a domestic vehicle. After driving and owning a Japanese car for almost 13 years by 2002 I decided I should replace "Grace" the ol' 1988 Honda Prelude. I immediately thought I would just go get another Honda but this time felt we needed a sedan as the Prelude was sporty and hard for guests to get in and out of if in the back seat. I looked at the V6 Accord and looked for a comparable North American Sedan. After some thought we purchased a brand spanking new Chevrolet Malibu loaded with all the extras including leather interior,sun roof, V6 engine, alloy wheels etc etc.
In December of 2001 we picked up our 2002 Malibu. The first 6 mos with this car were great, then one morning I got in the car and noticed the gear shift indicator had dropped down out of site.I thought that's an odd thing to happen and when we took the car to the dealer for its regular oil change, they fixed it without incidence. Then 3 mos later we needed a major brake repair. Then 6 months later we needed another brake repair. Then the steering column started rattling on and off, took it back and they took the column out did some repair and it seemed fine. Then more brake jobs and then at the 2 1/2 year mark the front end started making noises. Took it back to the dealer and we were informed that the car needed new struts. Four weeks after getting the new struts, the front end noise returned so, we took it back to the dealer and we were told that the front bushings needed replaced. I questioned replacing front bushings on a car just over 2 years old and was assured it would all be covered by warranty as if that made it okay.
About three months after the warranty had expired, and about a week before JB and I were planning a road trip to Chicago...I noticed a loud, strange humming/grinding noise coming from the front end and to boot the windshield wipers just stopped working at the same time! So, JB stopped in at the GM dealer near his office as we felt we should get it checked out and I really didn't want to embark on a 9 hour drive to Chicago with that sort of front end noise. Now JB at the best of times is not what I would call mechanically inclined when it comes to vehicles, so when the dealer told him that we needed new front wheel hubs his response was "oh, okay" he then called me with the news "hey babe, just dropped off the car, they say we need new front wheel hubs" Upon hearing this news, I believe I let out a scream so loud and so high pitched that only dogs within a 50 mile radius could hear me (remember the scene in "Splash where Darryl Hannah speaks in her own language and all the TV screens explode)........Trying to stay calm, I said to JB "uh, so what else did they say?" His response "oh, we need a new circuit board for the windshield wipers so I told them to go ahead with the work but I am afraid to tell you the total cost..." I sighed "just tell me".....JB told me the quote was $1800.00. I asked JB for the name and number of the "service assistant" as I wanted to call them and ask a few questions. Now, women and auto mechanics do not have a great relationship at the best of times. Most mechanics just automatically assume that women know nothing about cars. Having grown up in a family with a Mother and Brother who love classic cars and with a Mechanical Engineer for a father, you tend to learn a thing or two about cars and how they work! This always gets me startled looks from mechanics who try to snow me into a repair I don't need.
JB, knowing my temper cautioned me and said "don't be too hard on him, he is a nice kid and he is just the service rep" I called up the young chap at the dealer/service centre and started questioning how a car that was just 3 years old with less than 50k on it would need new wheel hubs. I then listed off the litany of other things that had gone wrong with the car. The Service Assistant seemed shocked that I would know all the mechanical terms and remember everything that was repaired on the car and offered me the answer they must give to stupid people "well, these things tend to go and I can assure you we are not doing any work that isn't necessary" to which I replied "Ya, front wheel hubs go on cars that are 10 years old NOT a 3 year old car!" The only rebuttal this poor doltz could come back with was "well, I have the exact same model as you ma'am and I have not had any of these problems" to which I responded "that's very nice for you but how does that affect MY life $1800 later!!!!!" I then got the "your husband already told us to go ahead with the work"
Instead of "debating" any further with the poor doltz on the phone, I calmly asked him who the Regional General Manager was for GM in this area. He proceeded to give me a 1 800 number. I said " I don't want a 1 800 number. I want a name" He did not have one. Undaunted, I discussed with JB that day and suggested we draft a letter to the President of GM Canada. We wrote a letter listing our concerns and we sent it by registered mail. We listed all of the repairs we have had to have done to our car since purchase and we had requested that they reimburse us for this latest repair which was $1500, as the car was just 3 mos out of the warranty and we found it incredible that a car with such little mileage should need new wheel hubs.
It has been over a year since we sent that letter, and we followed up with two e mails and another letter sent by registered mail. To date not one single soul from General Motors has even acknowledged our letters or our existence as a customer.
The reason for above rant...JB and I planned a nice weekend. On Saturday we planned on doing our regular grocery shopping, get a few more things from the Garden Centre. On Sunday we were going to drive up north to Midland to play golf and then stop in the town of Creemore and visit GRex (JB's Mum) as well as his sister and her husband and the kiddies........
To quote Robbie Burns "The best-laid schemes o' mice an 'men Gang aft agley"
Saturday morning JB and I were sitting having coffee and he said "I will go move the car closer to the house" I heard him leave and then 10 mins later he came back in to the house and we had the following exchange:
JB (yelling up the stairs) "Uh, car won't start"
JMack (feeling the blood vessels on the side of her head start to throb and reaching for her Zantac due to the sudden burning in her chest) "what's that you say? "
JB (sighing) "Car WON'T start!"
JMack (thinking non mechanically inclined JB probably flooded it and it's probably just damp from all the rain) "let me go try it"
JMack (returning after 10 mins of trying to get car engine to spark and turn over) "it's not getting the gas, not sparking. Maybe battery is dead or worse the alternator better call roadside for a boost"
Well, roadside came and tried to boost the car and even with a boost it would not start. Damned if I would let this ruin our weekend and damned if I was going to give up a tee time on what was expected to be a nice sunny Sunday afternoon. I marched down the road and walked along St. Clair to the rental car place all the while the rain just pounding down non stop and swearing under my breath "this is just f---g great, goddamn piece of s---t car" Got to the rental place and all they had left was a PT Cruiser (any port in the storm) Rented the car. I then asked my Brother if one of his friends with a tow truck could tow the car to his mechanic friend Pat. I knew on a weekend it would be tough to do this all short notice, so I rented the car until today, Monday.
Well, thanks to Bro and his connections we got the car towed up to Pat's today and they have determined that the car will not start because the ignition system is worn out and the chip is not recognizing the key thus invoking the anti theft system to kick in and the anti theft system believes someone is trying to steal the car. What the anti theft system does is stops any gas from getting through thus stopping the car from being able to start.
Now, on the one hand I am actually ecstatic that SOMETHING actually does work in this goddamn car but on the other hand, I now am looking at having to replace the entire ignition system and keys which will be about $400 or more.
Morale of the story:
When you debate with yourself on whether to buy domestic or stick with Japanese. When you sit and mull over purchasing a nice V6 Accord but then decide GM is offering 0% financing and isn't it better to support the domestic manufacturer DON'T because that loyalty to the Domestic Manufacturer is NOT returned to you as a customer. They don't give a flying rat's ass about you. If they did they would not offer a substandard product with no support or customer service. THAT's how much respect GM has for you as a customer.
Comdey bit for today....I leave you with a HILARIOUS re-vamp of the preview for the Movie "The Ten Commandments" It is too funny!
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