Well, a sure sign that summer is on it's way is the Victoria Day long weekend.
Typically here in Ontario it is the first weekend for the cottagers (people who own cottages outside of city) to head out of town and open up their cottages for the summer. They clog up all the highways with their packed cars, so packed that they can barely see in their rear view mirrors and thus chaos usually ensues on the highways leading out of the city. Since JB and I do not own cottage, we have decided to trek down to Niagara on the Lake but we are going to wait and leave tomorrow when the highways will be less busy and safe from frantic cottagers. We are going to hit some wineries, stay at a nice inn called Queen's Landing and hopefully we can catch some cool fireworks to celebrate the old queen's birthday.
Recently there have been discussions about changing the name of this holiday or moving the holiday to later in the month to align with the American Memorial Day weekend. Wee Scunner objects to this and really must question why we should be obligated to remove all remnants of our Canadian Heritage and worse adopt the same long weekend as the U.S. so that big business can all have the same day off! Even worse, I am amazed at the suggestions of some Canadians and politicians in this country who suggest we completely remove all reference to the British influence and forming of this country and change the name of Victoria Day to some lame ass name such as Heritage Day, which is ironic since Queen Victoria is an important figure in our Canadian heritage. It is a part of our history which should not be changed.
See you all on Simcoe Day!
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