Come on, can't you just hear Bing Crosby and Bob Hope singing the famous theme song from one of their popular "road pictures" .... Except on this road trip farce, the female "straight-man" isn't Dorothy Lamour. Nope, it's our girl Rona Ambrose. Yep, our intrepid Minister of the Environment stood up on the world stage, speaking before the United Nations in Kenya for the climate change conference. Now, Ambrose could have used the opportunity to explain what the Conservative government is going to do about addressing Canada's commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. But not our girl Rona, what does she do.... she used her limited time on the world stage to slam the former Liberal Government. She stated such gems as "When Canada's new government assumed office this year, we found an unacceptable situation" and "We found that the measures to address climate change by the former Liberal governments were insufficient" Fair enough, I understand that it is very common practice, here in Canada, for new Governments to slam the previous government and lay blame or generally just pass the buck but this was no domestic speech given in the House of Commons. This was a speech given to the world, and Ambrose used it to showcase, not Canada's environmental vision, but rather Canada's political bickering and infighting. Way to go Rona....you do us proud.....

On another note: JB and I are "off on the road to the UK" I decided, on impulse, that it has been far too long since I have been to visit family. I was speaking to one of my cousins via e mail and thought to myself "i really should pay a visit and right before Christmas would be a nice time to see everyone" So, I went to the Air Canada website and low and behold a "seat sale on international flights" Serendipity! We leave for London on December 1st and have a jam packed 10 days to visit my cousins in Wales and hopefully I make it up to Glasgow for a couple of days. It has been ages since I have been to Glasgow and I truly miss the place. I am very excited to be going over and everyone over there is extremely excited that we are visiting. Our first two days we stay in London and JB has expressed the desire to visit a really old pub or I should say pubs. A day trip to Bath is definitely in the plans. JB is interested in seeing the ancient Roman baths plus one of my younger cousins is currently studying at Bath University. He has already instructed his Mother to tell me to ensure that we don't visit Bath on the Thursday as Thursdays are all day lab work for him.

So, Thursday may be the day we trek up to Glasgow for a couple of days. I will definitely be hitting Buchanan Street (photograph on the left) I have many happy memories of lots of shopping trips to Buchanan Street with my Mother and my Aunties. I bought my first Burberry trench coat with matching scarf and bag at the Burberry store on Buchanan Street many years ago. I still have the scarf, the coat and the bag.
Will be cluttering up this blog soon with lots of photos and notes from the trip.
Quote of the Day:
“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.”
St. Augustine